Join the #Unwined Challenge

Ready to #Unwined with us this month?

The #Unwined Challenge begins September 7, and we want you to join us.

From now until October 6th's new moon, we'll be looking at our relationship with alcohol and exploring ways to de-stress naturally. From simple journaling techniques to meditations and mocktails, we'll be creating new rituals that help us make space from alcohol. Whether you're looking to take a total break from drinking, or dial your consumption back to moderation, our goal is to help you find a fresh well of clarity and freedom for the season ahead.

Feel free to complete the full 30 days (the cornerstone of a new habit!) or hop in anytime throughout the month to get inspired, reset, and manifest a fresh vision of peace and wellness for the new season.

Half Empty Wine Glasses

Why Now?

Harvard Medical School reported that during the pandemic women have increased their heavy drinking days (defined as 4 or more drinks on one occasion) by 41% compared to before the pandemic. The grief, loss, stress and uncertainty of the pandemic has affected individuals worldwide, while women often bear the brunt of increased household tasks and caregiving as well as a sharp decrease in childcare support.

Many of us feel burnt out on our old coping mechanisms, and have set intentions for a bit more clarity and health as we continue to survive this pandemic. Saying goodbye to summer and welcoming the calm and focus of the back to school season is a great time to look at our rituals, and see where we can make positive shifts.

The #Unwined Plan

We'll track our progress using the free Sleep + Energy Bullet Journal, allowing us to track our small actions while building new, better habits.

By unwinding with us for 30 days, you'll have the opportunity to look at the numbers and re-set some habits, while setting intentions for daily practices that raise your vibration and keep you grounded, centered and feeling your best. At the end of 30 days, we know you'll be ready to tackle the seasons ahead with refreshed energy, purpose and clarity.

Jihi Reverie Evening Supplement

Your #Unwined Companion

We have many tools to share, but the best is our bestselling Reverie Evening Tincture. With a sleep-promoting herbal blend, delicious sweet orange flavor, and 25mg of broad spectrum CBD per serving, Reverie will help you deeply relax and restore from night one, while improving sleep, mood, and energy over time.⁠

During the #Unwined challenge, one bottle of Reverie (a 60-90 day supply*) will be $50.00 (a $25 discount!). This is our biggest Reverie sale ever, but we know how many people it has helped reshaped their rituals already, and want you to be able to give it a try. 

Learn More 

*Based on an average customer usage of one full dropper 3-4 days a week.

Between the resources and rituals that fill the space of drinking at night, and the delicious calm brought to you by Reverie, we hope to inspire you to put the wine away a little sooner and drop the stress into a great night of natural sleep.

Your #Unwined Community

Connect with us on Instagram @MyJihi to follow along the #Unwined Challenge, and join the discussion in our private Jihi Wellness community on Facebook.