Be You Affirmation Card Deck

These stunning Be You Affirmation cards are each beautifully illustrated with captivating line art and inspiring designs. With powerful mantras on each card, this powerful card deck will be a treasured source of inspiration in your self-care collection.
Affirmations Meditations Rituals
  • Draw a card daily or as needed, ponder on the prompt, and answer it honestly and thoughtfully.
  • Let these questions guide you towards greater self-understanding. The inspiring deck is more than a set of cards—it's a journey into the self, a guide to help you navigate your inner world, and an effective stress-relieving tool.
  • Embrace this journey of self-awareness and realignment with yourself to tune deeper into your purpose, path and unique journey of self-discovery.

Illuminate your path to self-discovery with this beautiful card deck. Thoughtfully designed, these cards are an engaging tool for building physical, spiritual, and emotional self-awareness.

Beautiful Illustrations: Each card in the deck is decorated with beautiful line art that reminds us of our untamed, celestial and divine nature.

Unique Questions & Journal Prompts: The deck is filled with inspirational mantras that promote positive thinking and abundance.

Promote Alignment and Stress Relief: Regular use of these question cards can help you to consistently realign with your truest self and your most authentic goals. The introspective process can also serve as a stress relief practice, easing anxiety and facilitating relaxation.

Curated products sourced from women-owned indie brands across the world. Mindful consumerism powers innovation and supports creators, helping them continue to make products that spread joy. 

We hope our limited edition Jihi Living wellness collections reinvigorate your self-care practices and always remind you that self-care is never selfish.

#selfcenteredwellness #spreadjoy